
25.25 miles of hiking • 4500' elevation gain • 1 night

Was suppose to be a 2 nighter but the rainy weather cut the trip short by a night. Camped @ Pete Lake then day hiked up to Spectacle. This will be on my re-do list as I expect the views @ Spectacle during favorable weather conditions would be very nice.


B-Dog and Roman heart this trip.

September 7, 2015

I was just researching this same hike. Was creek crossing above Pete Lake deep/difficult?

Father Guido Sarducci
September 10, 2015

The river ford was no problem. There were logs in place @ the crossing area making it a feet dry experience.

September 15, 2015

Good to know - I may take this trail some day. I ended up taking other approach and going straight to Chikamin Peak. Really liked the area! Even though I hadn't time to go down Spectacle Lake, visited Spectacle Point above the lake and it was awesome.

September 20, 2015

I am still waiting for a good bit of weather for this area as well. I have been there 3 times now. 2 times from the mineral creek approach and once from Pete Lake. Every time it has been overcast and damp. One of these days =)