
4 miles of hiking • 250' elevation gain •

My partner works for Trackers teaching outdoor school (well, he's now teaching outdoor school online!) so we had access to their gated private site, BREC in Sandy Oregon. None of us had hiked in forever due to everything being shut down, so we gathered up our roommate and took a stroll.

I've mostly been getting my outdoor fix through long bike rides (and I'm still commuting to work as a receiver at a safety supplier of PPE.) Being at work is stressful and I'm really missing my hikes.

We added an extra short stop to the Bull Run Powerhouse on our way back.

The day was a much needed boost to the mental health of the household.


Woodswalker, Jen, and nuizontann heart this trip.

May 2, 2020

Very cool! I think my son has been to this site. Love the big cedars.

I've been getting out regularly, but reluctant to post. I will update here eventually.

About to get deployed to Spokane, so I am excited about what I will find enroute, and on my days off (free of home and family obligations!).

THANK YOU for keeping the PPE flowing.

Sarah Johnson
May 2, 2020

Thanks. I hesitated to post, for fear of being shamed. I feel like those who haven't left their houses since the quarantine began don't quite understand the stress of being out there everyday still working. I fear going to work more than I fear running into someone on a trail. I look forward to restrictions on the outdoors being lifted.